How to prepare Wills and Powers of Attorney with Nojumi

To prepare Wills and Powers of Attorney with Nojumi

Open the Matter

  1. Create a new Will & POA Preparation
  2. Generate the Retainer Agreement
  3. Send the Retainer Agreement to the client for e-signing
  4. Send initial correspondence to the client


  1. Complete client ID verification
  2. Share the Wills & POAs Form with the client

Client Meeting

  1. Schedule the client meeting
  2. Review and complete the Wills & POAs Form with the client

Document Signing

  1. Schedule the signing meeting
  2. Generate the documents
  3. Send the documents to client for their review prior to signing
  4. Meet with clients to sign documents
  5. Scan signed versions and upload to Upload Bins

Statement of Account and Trust Ledger

  1. Generate the Statement of Account and Trust Ledger
  2. Send the Statement of Account and Trust Ledger to the client