Persons in Nojumi

Learn about the functionalities offered by Nojumi for persons

Data in your Nojumi account is divided between Matters and Entities. Person is one of the Entity types supported by Nojumi. Nojumi offers numerous functionalities to assist you with managing every person involved in your practice, whether they are your clients, the other lawyer, or a third party.

Profile Page

Every Person has a profile page that contains all information related to that person. Learn how to access a person's profile page.


Every Person has a forms page that contains a number of forms related to that person including

  1. Person Intake Form
  2. Person Master Form
  3. Letter Generator Form

Learn how to access a person's forms page.


Every Person has a documents page that contains the documents that can be generated for the person as well as the person's upload bins containing the person's important documents. Learn how to access a person's documents page.


Every Person has a communications page that allows you to send emails or text messages to the Person and to see a list of the communications that have so far been sent.


Every person has a writs page where you can complete writ searches on the person.