Form Questions

Forms consist of Tabs with each Tab containing a number of questions. Questions on Forms can be of the following types:

Text Questions

Text questions require the user to input text. These can be text fields requiring a single line of text or text areas permitting multiple lines of text.

Number Questions

Number questions require the user to input a number.

Date Questions

Date questions require the user to input a date.

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No questions require the user to answer a question by selecting yes, or no.

Radio Questions

Radio questions are multiple-choice questions that allow the user to select only one of the provided choices.

Multicheck Box Questions

Multicheck box questions are multiple-choice questions that allow the user to select any number of the provided choices.

Table Questions

Forms can contain tables as input fields. Tables can be viewed in the traditional table form or in the tabbed mode where every row of a table would be a tab among a horizontal set of tabs each representing a row.